9thcivic Tail of The Dragon Meet September 13th-16th 2012

it would be nice to see you again. I always like seeing your car get smaller in my rear view mirror :giggle:
thats because you have superpowers behind the wheel. i am sure you would walk my car if you were driving a toyota prius....

might i suggest a cookout at the cabins...
you guy's are never safe.... I just might crash the party.

What else is new...

you guy's are never safe.... I just might crash the party.

well hello there :wave:

If we you all want we can do a saturday drive, and stop at pizza venti just like usual, they're gonna get a lot of business those weeks because the 8th meet will probably roll through also.

long time no see, how are you and the hip.

gotta love incriminating photos.

You'll see many of us have left the other place and came here.

For the dragon meet we could reserve the game room for a night or two, but hanging out at the cabins might be just as much fun.
if people are into ping pong/pool.. some type of tournament could be setup
if people are into ping pong/pool.. some type of tournament could be setup

Chris said that people really slacked off on the tournaments, I think pool and maybe air hockey will be the only ones if we do it. I always thought we should've done something with the air hockey table there.
Chris said that people really slacked off on the tournaments, I think pool and maybe air hockey will be the only ones if we do it. I always thought we should've done something with the air hockey table there.
totally forgot it was there. No reason people couldn't do air hockey. It doesn't have to be for a trophy or anything like that. Just hang out and play games