Photos Sunburst Orange Pearl


Toys For Tots

This thread is designed to work as a gallery of Sunburst Orange Pearl. Please post photos of your car in this thread, so others can view examples. It doesn't matter what trim model Civic it is.

If you have a specific question about a car or modification seen in this thread, please send the member a private message. That way, this thread is purely full of photos.

Yea the colour looks different in different light...and plus my camera isn't the best looks a lot more like red in the first picture but it is definitely sunburst orange as you can see from the second haha
Haha I did that when ever we'd go for a ride in our friend's Habi FA5. WHOAAAAA not fiji!!!! I miss ours
Hey guys i'm thinking bout picking up a set of either gold or black rpf1s sometime this spring.. Which you think I should go w/?


I'm really leaning towards the Gold, if you go on TireRack you can view em on this color... ;)
Redsfan, we have a sunburst orange Si with some black tenzo-r's on it with the red lip and it looks SEXY so if you take black im sure you'll like it. However if you are wanting to have people look at the car driving and be like "Man those are sick rims" get gold cause its easy to tell that they are rims and not steelies. (i dont know where your from but here in canada when it snows most people dump black crap rims on there cars so most black rims just look boring unless vehicle is stopped) Either choice and that car will look stunning :thumb:


Our family digs black rims