Post up your fish tanks/aquariums!

Naw..he's from the same batch (most of which are still there) and has probably been there a month now. I looked him over good and he seems fine and is very happy with the two other severums. Hopefully all goes well.
Today they're all up and happy. He swims up and down the side of the tank and follows the other two baby sevs around. The smallest of which is probably 1/3 of his size. He seems really friendly and hasn't acted up any.
Mango fish?

Supposedly it is actually a Gold Dog Face Puffer Fish and should look like this...

I didn't know fish could be morbidly obese. :confuzzled:
Yeah, and this time I wasn't there to throw him back in. Found him dried under the kitchen table :(
Thankfully the kittens hadn't found him and didn't bring him up on my pillow or something.

I felt really bad. We're waiting until after we move before anything else goes on with this tank. Going to look into a screen cover and maybe eventually another SAE.

I think the freshwater blennys are cool though...but not sure it'd work
Yeah, I've heard about the screening though so that it doesn't overheat..with the T5 HO, etc
Here's my other fish. I bought the goldfish from walmart when it was tiny for 10¢ two years ago. Now its 9" and I feed it fish food, apples, bacon and it ate my younger brother's fish as well

Still haven't gotten up and started. Haven't done much of anything really but clean out the tank. I hope to get some substrate and get some water in the tank this week. As well as the heater and pump set up.
yeah...probably a feeder goldfish. I think they usually run around $.10

He could probably kill a baby turtle now LOL