DIY Painting your engine cover

Nicely done. I don't think I've ever seen do their cover in that color :thumbsup:
I've seen this vid posted elsewhere. Nice vid nonetheless.
Will do! did you just get the paint at home depot? and for the dots, did you just spray it onto a cheap brush?
I got the spray from advanced auto. The way I did the splatter was I cut two plastic bottles in half and sprayed black into one and red into the other until liquid paint accumulated. I then took two old tooth brushes (one for each color) dipped them into the paint and held it over the pieces and basically dripped the paint on in several places then kinda just flicked my wrist and splattered it on there. it worked okay. I have also used brushes in the past and they do work better IMO. Hope this helps!

Yeah dude, we should! I work in nashville too. Right by Vanderbilt, I was just browsing to see if there were any crews in the area but I couldnt really find any
Nice! Close! We should try and start to see if we can get a weekend meet...I rarely see 9th gens in this area though. Ive seen 2 in the last 2 months I believe?