Cars and Coffee - Hunt Valley


Grumpy Moderator
Super Mod
Toys For Tots
Vehicle Model
Polestar 2
Body Style
There is a weekly Cars and Coffee gathering in the parking lot for Joes Crab Shack in Hunt Valley MD, it starts at 8:00 am. Im planning on making semi regular appearances this summer either solo or with my dad. Some weekends I will be bringing a car to show, other times ill just come up in my 8th gen.

Just wanted to see if there was any interest in getting some other 9th members out there either to show or spectate.
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Will do, havnt gone since the first time due to the engine issues, but will be going again in the next week or two depending on the paint shop

I'm definitely trying to go in the morning of course weather permitting.
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Will be there with 911 and father finally
Good meeting you too, I think we could try to get more 9th presence out there, i know there are a few other members in the baltimore area.

Gotta show people that hondas arent all that one fg1
It was good, little smaller than my first time out there, maybe becuase of the heat. The morning was perfect for windows down driving though.
@ethlar - You go to these anymore? I remember the one time I met you for the first time and you brought the Porsche.

I might start going when the weather gets warmer.
I havent been in a while, cause i havent been in the area for one, but if i find myself in town over a weekend id definitely go
heys guys, i'd be down to meet up at one of these. my co-worker's dad takes his c7 vette over there a lot. looks like the weather is getting better this week too.
heys guys, i'd be down to meet up at one of these. my co-worker's dad takes his c7 vette over there a lot. looks like the weather is getting better this week too.
Always alot of old guys in Vettes lol
not many young guys in classic porsches
Weather still looks good for this saturday, Im planning on being there with the 911
