9thcivic.com Scavenger Hunt Contest - 11/11/11 - GoPro HD Motorsports Hero

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You can pm for a 2nd clue to get you back on track
You've really gotta think it out as best as possible. If a lot of people are getting stumped on the same thing I may have to adjust that one.
I'm Doin rather well just takes time but everyone will get it. Many hours spent in looking at ever thread completely and I mean completely. It'll help you learn everything the site has to offer also I love it more and more as I goin through. Also take breaks cause you'll fry if you don't.

Proudest day of my build so far.
Yeah, breaks are good. I don't need anyone going mental because they're tired of looking at the screen and not finding an answer that may be looking right back at them :rotfl:
I would be done by now if I didn't have an overheated laptop and was able to via phone. Back to the hunt.
the goal is obviously to finish... if you're stuck for a long period of time on a specific question - say so, so we can look at the clue and alter it, or add a secondary clue.
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